Monday, January 3, 2011

3rd of January 11

Finally this year just have 1 sub. science class, 4 Murni...==III
Though, this is a L.K class, I'm not interested in L.K...
My class? 4 Makmur, one of the pure science classes or can say is the best class in Pure Science...
B'cuz of my class can choice Account/Chinese...
4 Murni, the 1st class, they have no choice for their no.10 subjects...
They're compulsory to choice Chinese for their no.10 subjects...
Today was a messy day for every form 4...

After the emcee teacher announced the classes that we're going to study...
Started from that moment, almost most of the students were asked for switching to the classes that their want...
My class, 4 Makmur... It's a damn boring 2 years for my form 4 and form 5...
I'm going to choice 11 subjects for my form 4, pure science + account + chinese...

I thought I had played truant today, b'cuz of my school off time is 1.40p.m.
I had out from the class at 12.30p.m...xD~
I went to Bilik SPBT for toke my books...
I was shocked when I knew, I toke Hui Cen's form 4 Bio text book...haha~